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Javan's Life Lessons -

Javan's Life Lessons #4 - Don't let your friends eat on your bed

16/07/2009 15:58
    I decided to invite some friends over to watch some movies. We decided to rent one suspense and one comedy movie from BlockBuster.     Since I just got my unrestricted driver's license I volunteered, and-or demanded that I drive. (I may or may not have...

Javan's Life Lessons #3 - Why you should not take your new sunglasses into the bathroom

16/06/2009 23:09
    On my trip to KC, I bought a new pair of toritise shell sunglasses. I loved them! (Notice, I did say "loved"). I have been wanting a pair of toritise shell sunglasses for a long time and I finally found a pair that I liked, and that looked good on me. Of course I bought them...

Javan's Life Lessons #2 - Sweat tea, not effective against skunks

09/06/2009 23:02
      On Sunday night, I was minding my own business reading "The Wichita Eagle", when I heard something outside.     For those that don't know, I have a door in my room that leads to nothing. It's suposed to lead to a deck, but since my dad hasn't...

Javan's Life Lessons #1 - Why students should not be forced to take P.E.

09/06/2009 22:52
      Since I started driving driving, I have scheduled several interviews for newspaper right after school. Since I am forced against my will to take P.E. for two years, I usually take a shower so as to not be repulsive to the person I am...

Topic: Javan's Life Lessons -



Wow javan wow..... at least its not as bad as dropping your phone in the toliet.

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